Verify business exists
Is the company applying for your services currently active?
Existence of company is a basic task present in most workflows.
The task returns the following information:
- Whether the company is alive according to the company register
- Whether the company is involved in an insolvency proceeding
- Whether the company or its establishments have a record of a removal process
What is a removal process?
End-of-life process for a business is called “striking-off”. Striking-off procedures are split into two:
- Closure of activity
- Business removal
Closure is about ending the whole business. There is a lot of consequences outside the official data perimeter like liquidation and paying off debts. Business removal is the consequence of closure. Business removal is an official process leading up to the removal of the company from the official company register.
When a business files for closure of activity, it is closing down its main and secondary establishments. As a consequence, all establishments are removed from the company register.
But, a business can close a secondary establishment without closing the main establishment. In this case, it is a removal of a secondary establishment without closure of activity ⚠️.
Updated about 2 months ago