Evaluating the validity of a document is a core part of compliance processes. On the Ondorse platform, this logic flows from our onboarding experience to our workflows. Document validation is done through the Information collection verification task and the Documents tab.

Every document added to a case on the Ondorse platform has a document validation status that is either valid, invalid or unset. The default status of an uploaded document is unset. The validation status of a document can be set manually next to each document in the Documents tab. As with other actions on the Ondorse platform, each change to a documentation validation status is recorded in the Activity tab.

Ondorse will ask you to provide a reason for invalidation when invalidating a document. Note that the list of reasons for rejecting a document is entirely customizable and reasons can depend on the document type.


Optimizing document management in your compliance workflow

There are several levers to optimize document management in a compliance workflow: from making sure to ask for the right documents for each type of customers to controlling whether all documents are present in a case AND have been reviewed according to specific guidelines to, in case of an invalidation, automating document requests with sufficient feedback on the underlying reasons. Ondorse can help improve significantly the performance of your document processes.

Collect documents from customer (via Portal)

Managing documents in Ondorse and providing sufficient flexibility starting from onboarding is a key aspect of Ondorse's solution.

Customizable document types

  • Expected documents define document categories
  • Document types can be defined within a document category to list specific types of documents requested; this is very useful when several types of documents can support a document request (think of a proof of address that could be an telephone invoice or a tax receipt for example).

Customizable collect conditions

You can condition the collect of documents to conditions of the case.

For instance, you can decide to ask for a Proof of funds for a specific type of legal entity:

With this feature, you can cover a large range of requirements such as:

  • collect article of association only for some countries where the data-coverage is poor
  • collect proof of fund documents for specifically risky legal forms (associations...)
  • collect a power of attorney when the signatory is not a director of the company
  • etc..

Customizable rejection management

  • Reasons for invalidating a document can be mapped to Portal translations so that when you invalidate a document, your customer knows why and is prompted to add a new document with your own words!

Let's take an example.

  • Do you have to collect a Proof of builder capacity ?
    Add it as an expected document in your portal.
  • Will you accept Builder diploma from Lego company as a proof of this ?
    Add it to your document types.

  • Do you need this diploma to have a red Lego icon on top of it ?
    Add Document does not have a Lego icon as a reason for invalidating and make sure your customer gets it if it is rejected by adding the following error catchphrase Your diploma was rejected, please add one from the real Lego corp.

Verify collected documents (information collection verification task)

Document validation can be directly integrated with the information collection verification tasks to ensure that you can set up a list of checks on a list of documents as part of your compliance workflow. As the compliance task accepts conditions, the list of document verifications can adjust dynamically based on countries or corporate types, for example. This way, your compliance team will always know which documents to verify and how.

Here is an example of how the information collection verification task can evaluate documents' presence and validity status.