Define business rules that are automatically applied to your cases
Define business rules that are automatically applied to your cases. It streamlines repetitive tasks, saving you time and reducing errors. The automations are powered by the rules engine which allows a great flexibility and adapt to a large range of use-cases.
Among the use-cases that automations support are:
- Automatically set risk level: depending on the results of the risk matrix compute a Risk level and its automation that matches your compliance policy:
- based on risk score scaling. Example: LOW:1-100, MEDIUM:100-150,HIGH:>150
- based on identified risk factors: Example: a PEP is High
- Case approval restriction: restrict the case approval to some user rolesbased on case's characteristic
- risk score. Example: high risk cases can only be approved by qualified reviewers-
- Auto-approval: cases are automatically approved based on some critieria such as the risk score. Example: low risk cases are automatically approved.
Updated 3 months ago